Quick Start

Integrate YukiHookAPI into your project.

Environment Requirements

  • Windows 7 and above / macOS 10.14 and above / Linux distributions (Arch/Debian)

  • Android Studio 2021.1 and above

  • IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1 and above

  • Kotlin 1.7.0 and above

  • Android Gradle Plugin 7.0 and above

  • Gradle 7.0 and above

  • Java 11 and above (Since API 1.0.80)

  • Java 17 and above (Since API 1.2.0)

Automatically Build Project

YukiHookAPI provides an automated build tool that can help you quickly build an Android standard project template with Xposed Module dependencies, and use the built template to start the next step directly.

You can click here to check it out.

Manually Configure Project

If you don't want to use automated build tools, you can still manually configure project dependencies as follows.

Create Project

Use Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA to create a new Android project and select Kotlin in the Language column to automatically add basic dependencies.

Integration Dependencies

We recommend using Kotlin DSL as the Gradle build script language and SweetDependencyopen in new window to manage dependencies.

Add the repositories and dependencies in your project's SweetDependency configuration file.

The following example

  # Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional
    url: https://api.xposed.info/
  # MavenCentral has a 2-hour cache,
  # if the latest version cannot be integrated, please add this

  # Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional
    version: +

  # Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional
      version: 82
      version: +
    # Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional
      version-ref: <this>::api

After adding it, run Gradle Sync and all dependencies will be autowired.

Next, deploy plugins in your project build.gradle.kts.

The following example

plugins {
    // Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional
    // ...

Then, deploy dependencies in your project build.gradle.kts.

The following example

dependencies {
    // Basic dependencies
    // Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional
    // Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional

Traditional Method

Add repositories in your project build.gradle.kts or build.gradle.

Kotlin DSL

repositories {
    // Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional
    maven { url("https://api.xposed.info/") }
    // MavenCentral has a 2-hour cache, if the latest version cannot be integrated, please add this URL
    maven { url("https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/") }

Groovy DSL

repositories {
    // Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional
    maven { url 'https://api.xposed.info/' }
    // MavenCentral has a 2-hour cache, if the latest version cannot be integrated, please add this URL
    maven { url 'https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/' }

Add plugins in your project build.gradle.kts or build.gradle.

Kotlin DSL

plugins {
    // Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional
    id("com.google.devtools.ksp") version "<ksp-version>"

Groovy DSL

plugins {
    // Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional
    id 'com.google.devtools.ksp' version '<ksp-version>'

Add dependencies in your project build.gradle.kts or build.gradle.

Kotlin DSL

dependencies {
    // Basic dependency
    // Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional
    // Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional

Groovy DSL

dependencies {
    // Basic dependency
    implementation 'io.github.dreammooncai.yukihookapi:api:<yuki-version>'
    // Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional
    compileOnly 'de.robv.android.xposed:api:82'
    // Must be added when used as an Xposed Module, otherwise optional
    ksp 'io.github.dreammooncai.yukihookapi:ksp-xposed:<yuki-version>'

Please modify <ksp-version> to the latest version found hereopen in new window (please note to select your current corresponding Kotlin version).

Please change <yuki-version> to the latest version here.

Pay Attention

The api and ksp-xposed dependency versions of YukiHookAPI must correspond one-to-one, otherwise a version mismatch error will occur.

We recommend using SweetDependencyopen in new window to autowire dependencies for you.

Configure Java Version

Modify the Java version of Kotlin in your project build.gradle.kts or build.gradle to 17 or above.

Kotlin DSL

android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_21
        targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_21
    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = "21"

Groovy DSL

android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_21
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_21
    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = '21'


Since API 1.0.80, the Java version used by Kotlin defaults to 11, and versions 1.8 and below are no longer supported.

Since API 1.2.0, the Java version used by Kotlin defaults to 17, and versions 11 and below are no longer supported.

Use as Xposed Module

Add the base code to your AndroidManifest.xml.

The following example

<!-- Set as Xposed Module -->
    android:value="true" />

<!-- Set your Xposed Module description -->
    android:value="Fill in your Xposed Module description" />

<!-- The minimum Xposed version number -->
<!-- If you are using EdXposed/LSPosed, the minimum recommended is 93 -->
    android:value="93" />

<!-- Optional: Configure support for New XSharedPreferences without adjusting xposedminversion to 93 -->

Create a Hook entry class in your project, implements IYukiHookXposedInit and add the annotation @InjectYukiHookWithXposed.

The following example

object HookEntry : IYukiHookXposedInit {

    override fun onHook() = YukiHookAPI.encase {
        // Your code here.


Please configure YukiHookAPI in the onInit method and set the isDebug mode to the following form.

The following example

override fun onInit() = configs {
    isDebug = BuildConfig.DEBUG

You can also extends Application of your Module App from ModuleApplication to achieve a complete user experience.

For more functions, please refer to ModuleApplication.

Then, you can start writing Hook code.

For configuration details related to use as an Xposed Module, you can click here to continue reading.

If you are currently using Hook APIs such as Rovo89 Xposed API, you can refer to Migrate from Other Hook APIs.

Use as Hook API


Create your custom Application.

Pay Attention

Regardless of the Hook Framework you use, you need to add its docking Xposed dependency support.

If the target Hook Framework does not integrate Rovo89 Xposed API, you need to implement and connect XposedBridge by yourself.

Add YukiHookAPI.encase method to attachBaseContext.

The following example

override fun attachBaseContext(base: Context?) {
    // Load Hook Framework
    // Your code here.
    // Load YukiHookAPI
    YukiHookAPI.encase(base) {
        // Your code here.

Then, you can start writing Hook code in much the same way you would use it as an Xposed Module.

For configuration details related to use as a Hook API, you can click here to continue reading.


YukiHookPrefsBridge, YukiHookDataChannel and Resources Hook functionality will not work when using a custom Hook Framework instead of the full Xposed Module.