
The version update history of YukiHookAPI is recorded here.

Pay Attention

We will only maintain the latest API version, if you are using an outdate API version, you voluntarily renounce any possibility of maintenance.


To avoid translation time consumption, Changelog will use Google Translation from Chinese to English, please refer to the original text for actual reference.

Time zone of version release date: UTC+8

1.2.0 | 2023.10.07  latest

  • The license agreement has been changed from MIT to Apache-2.0, subsequent versions will be distributed under this license agreement, you should change the relevant license agreement after using this version
  • This is a breaking update, please refer to Migrate to YukiHookAPI 1.2.xopen in new window for details
  • Adapted to Android 14, thanks to BlueCat300open in new window for PRopen in new window
  • Fixed findAllInterfaces related issues, thanks to buffcowopen in new window for PRopen in new window
  • Fixed the delayed callback problem in the Hook process, thanks to cesaryuanopen in new window for his Issueopen in new window
  • Added support for Resources Hook related functions, please refer to this Issueopen in new window for details
  • Added YukiHookAPI.TAG
  • Deprecated YukiHookAPI.API_VERSION_NAME, YukiHookAPI.API_VERSION_CODE, merged into YukiHookAPI.VERSION
  • Added YukiHookAPI.TAG
  • Deprecated YukiHookAPI.API_VERSION_NAME, YukiHookAPI.API_VERSION_CODE, merged into YukiHookAPI.VERSION
  • Deprecated useDangerousOperation method in YukiMemberHookCreator
  • Deprecated instanceClass function in YukiMemberHookCreator, it is no longer recommended
  • Modify instanceClass in HookParam to be a null safe return value type
  • Detach all Hook objects created using injectMember to LegacyCreator
  • Modify appClassLoader in PackageParam to be a null safe return value type
  • Refactor all logger... methods to new usage YLog
  • Removed the --> style behind the print log function
  • Fixed and improved the problem that the module package name cannot be obtained through KSP after using namespace
  • Functions such as whether to enable module activation status have now been moved to the InjectYukiHookWithXposed annotation
  • Detached FreeReflectionopen in new window will no longer be automatically generated and will be automatically imported as a dependency
  • Added a warning log that will be automatically printed when the same Hook method is repeated
  • The findClass(...) method in PackageParam is obsolete, please migrate to the "...".toClass() method
  • The String.hook { ... } method in PackageParam is obsolete, and it is recommended to use a new method for Hook
  • AppLifecycle can now be created repeatedly in different Hookers
  • The old version of Hook priority writing is obsolete and migrated to YukiHookPriority
  • Removed the tag function in the Hook process
  • Refactored remendy functionality in find methods, which now prints exceptions in steps
  • The multi-method find result type is changed from HashSet to MutableList
  • Added method(), constructor(), field() to directly obtain all object functions in the class
  • constructor() no longer behaves like constructor { emptyParam() }
  • Added lazyClass and lazyClassOrNull methods to lazily load Class

1.1.11 | 2023.04.25  stale

  • Fixed a critical issue since 1.1.5 version where the Member cache did not take effect and persistent storage eventually caused app out of memory (OOM), thanks to Art-Chenopen in new window
  • Remove the direct cache function of Member and deprecated YukiReflection.Configs.isEnableMemberCache, keep the cache function of Class
  • Modified finder to Sequence, optimize the finding speed and performance of Member
  • Remove the YukiHookPrefsBridge's direct key-value cache function and removed LruCache related functions
  • Deprecated YukiHookAPI.Configs.isEnablePrefsBridgeCache
  • Deprecated direct, clearCache functions in YukiHookPrefsBridge

1.1.10 | 2023.04.21  stale

  • The Activity proxy function adds the function of specifying a separate proxy Activity for each proxied Activity
  • Fixed problem that the contains and all methods in YukiHookPrefsBridge did not judge the native function
  • Integrate the cache function in YukiHookPrefsBridge into PreferencesCacheManager and use LruCache as a key-value pair cache
  • Modify YukiHookPrefsBridge key-value pair caching function to take effect in all environments (Module Apps, Host Apps)
  • Modify part of HashMap used for caching to ArrayMap to reduce memory consumption
  • Fix some other possible problems

1.1.9 | 2023.04.17  stale

  • Change the type of dependent library from Java Library (jar) to Android Library (aar)
  • Remove the inspection function of internal methods and parameters through Hook or reflection API
  • Fixed the problem that YukiHookDataChannel automatically segmented data sending function could not work normally (exception would still be thrown)
  • Added the ability to manually modify the maximum data byte size allowed by YukiHookDataChannel to be sent at one time according to the limitations of the target device
  • Remove the restriction that YukiHookDataChannel can only be used in module Activity, now you can use it anywhere
  • Modify and standardize the broadcast Action name used by YukiHookDataChannel
  • Fix the problem that BadParcelableException occurs when YukiHookDataChannel has different modules with the same host
  • Added ExecutorType, you can get the type of known Hook Framework through YukiHookAPI.Status.Executor.type
  • YukiHookModulePrefs renamed to YukiHookPrefsBridge
  • Modify YukiHookPrefsBridge to be implemented as a non-singleton, as a singleton may cause data confusion
  • Deprecated Context.modulePrefs(...) method, please move to Context.prefs(...)
  • YukiHookPrefsBridge adds native method, which supports storing private data in modules and hosts directly as native storage
  • Integrate the storage method in YukiHookPrefsBridge to YukiHookPrefsBridge.Editor, please use edit method to store data
  • YukiHookPrefsBridge adds contains method
  • Cache dynamically created proxy objects in YukiHookPrefsBridge, try to fix problems that may cause OOM in the host and modules
  • Modify the proxy class of the Activity proxy function to be dynamically generated to prevent conflicts caused by injecting different modules into the host
  • Fixed some other possible problems

1.1.8 | 2023.02.01  stale

  • Fixed the problem that the underlying Hook method cannot update the modified state synchronously when modifying parameters such as result during callback, thanks to the Issueopen in new window of Yongzheng Laiopen in new window
  • Move the entry class name file automatically generated by YukiHookAPI from assets/yukihookapi_init to resources/META-INF/yukihookapi_init
  • When only printing the exception stack, the msg parameter is allowed to be empty and the msg parameter can not be set, and the log with the msg parameter left blank will not be logged unless the exception stack is not empty
  • Fixed the bug that the log printed by the exception that occurs in the body of the Hook callback method has no specific method information
  • HookParam adds instanceOrNull variable and method, which can be used on the premise that the Hook instance is not sure whether it is empty to prevent the Hook instance from being empty and throw an exception
  • Decoupled all hookers in Member lookup functionality to MemberBaseFinder.MemberHookerManager
  • Modified the usage of by condition in YukiMemberHookCreator, now you can reuse by method to set multiple conditions
  • Removed wrong Class object declaration in Android type
  • The registerReceiver method in PackageParam.AppLifecycle adds the function of directly using IntentFilter to create a system broadcast listener
  • Fixed the problem that there may be multiple registration lifecycles in PackageParam.AppLifecycle
  • Revert: The 1.1.7 version has been withdrawn due to a serious problem, please update to this version directly (the update log is the same as version 1.1.7)

1.1.6 | 2023.01.21  stale

  • Fixed the serious problem that ClassLoader does not match after PackageParam keeps a single instance when there may be multiple package names in the same process when Xposed Module is loaded
  • When the package name is not distinguished when there are multiple package names in the same process, stop loading the singleton child Hooker and print a warning message
  • Fixed the problem that the number of parameters is incorrect when methods such as HookParam.callOriginal, HookParam.invokeOriginal call the original method
  • Modify the method parameter name param of reflection calls in MethodFinder, ConstructorFinder, ReflectionFactory to args
  • Added the function of judging the parameters of the entry class constructor in the automatic processing program of the Xposed Module, the entry class needs to ensure that it does not have any constructor parameters

1.1.5 | 2023.01.13  stale

  • Standardize and optimize the overall code style
  • Privatized some APIs called internally
  • The underlying API interface is decoupled as a whole to prepare for compatibility with more Hook Frameworks
  • Move some of the functions integrated in the API to ksp-xposed dependencies (decoupling), and the separate introduction of api dependencies will no longer contain references to functions such as third-party libraries
  • Documentation Quick Start page added instructions on when YukiHookAPI.Configs.isDebug needs to be closed
  • Standardize Java Primitive Types in type definitions and sync update to docs
  • Java type adds NumberClass type
  • Improved (Xposed) Host environment recognition
  • Take over all exceptions after loading the Xposed Module, if an exception occurs, it will automatically intercept and print the error log
  • Modify the Class that does not exist in the lower Android system version (Android 5.0) in the type definition to be an empty safe type
  • Adapt and support native Xposed, the minimum recommended version is Android 7.0
  • Added support for Hook entry class declared as object type (singleton)
  • Fixed the problem that the system below Android 8 does not support the Executable type, causing the Hook to fail
  • Fixed the problem of reporting an error when using the Activity proxy function for systems below Android 9 and limit the minimum supported version of this function to Android 7.0
  • Added the prohibition of resource injection and Activity proxy function injection into the current module's own instance process to prevent problems
  • Fixed a serious error that the return value of a method in the Hook process is not consistent with the target's inherited class and interface.
  • Fixed the problem that the object is empty when calling HookParam.callOriginal and HookParam.invokeOriginal when the current Hook instance object is static
  • Optimize the function of judging the Tai Chi activation method and update the relevant instructions of the document synchronously
  • Obsolete YukiHookAPI.Status.executorName, YukiHookAPI.Status.executorVersion, please move to YukiHookAPI.Status.Executor
  • Adapted the name display function of some third-party Hook Frameworks
  • Added Class.extends, Class.implements and other methods, which can more conveniently judge the inheritance and interface relationship of the current Class
  • Added generic methods of the same name as Class.toClass, Class.toClassOrNull and other related methods, you can use generics to constrain the instance object type of known Class
  • Modify the return value of the classOf<T> method to the generic type T to constrain the instance object type of the known Class
  • Added initialize parameter of Class related extension method, which can control whether to initialize its static method block at the same time when getting Class object
  • Added param { ... }, type { ... } and other usages in the variable, method, and construction method search functions, which can add more specific conditional judgments to the searched objects
  • The loadApp method of PackageParam adds the isExcludeSelf parameter, which can be used to exclude Hook-related functions from injecting into the module's own instance process
  • The onAppLifecycle method of PackageParam adds the isOnFailureThrowToApp parameter, which can directly throw the exception that occurs in the lifecycle method body to the host
  • Modify appClassLoader in PackageParam to be a modifiable variable, which can dynamically set the ClassLoader used by the host in the Hook process
  • Added dataExtra function in HookParam, which can be used to temporarily store the data in the Hook method body
  • Obsolete isRunInNewXShareMode, isXSharePrefsReadable in YukiHookModulePrefs, merged into isPreferencesAvailable
  • Class.allFields, Class.allMethods and other related methods add the isAccessible parameter, which can control when the member object can be set as an accessible type
  • Fixed the problem that only the last method body will be called back when receiving the same key-value data in an Activity when there are multiple hosts in YukiHookDataChannel
  • Added priority parameter in wait and other related methods of YukiHookDataChannel, you can pass in ChannelPriority to customize the conditions for callback data results
  • YukiHookDataChannel adds the function of automatically using ChannelDataWrapper type wrapper when sending data, which improves the user experience and enhances data protection
  • YukiHookDataChannel has added the function of limiting the maximum byte size of data sent at one time to prevent the app from crashing due to excessive data
  • YukiHookDataChannel has added the function of automatically segmenting when the sent data is too large, only supports List, Map, Set, String types
  • YukiHookLogger adds the contents method and the data parameter of saveToFile, which can be passed in custom debug log data for formatting or saving to a file
  • Fixed the problem that the debug log data package name processed by YukiHookLogger may be incorrect in the (Xposed) Host environment
  • Fixed the problem that the package name may be incorrect on some systems (in some system apps) when the Xposed Module loads the Resource Hook event

1.1.4 | 2022.10.04  stale

  • Fixed the issue that YukiHookDataChannel may not respond to broadcast events in the system framework, reproduced in A13
  • Fixed the issue that YukiHookDataChannel could not communicate with Module App in Host App for multiple versions
  • Added obtainLoggerInMemoryData method in YukiHookDataChannel to share debug log data between module and host
  • Modify the type of YukiHookLogger.inMemoryData to ArrayList and change YukiLoggerData to data class
  • Fixed YukiLoggerData printing blank when the package name is empty in the module
  • Added loadApp, loadZygote, loadSystem, withProcess multi-parameter methods of the same name in PackageParam
  • Fixed some possible bugs

1.1.3 | 2022.09.30  stale

  • Fixed a fatal bug where the Hook entry class name could not be customized
  • Added some code notes in LoggerFactory and updated special features documentation

1.1.2 | 2022.09.30  outdate

  • Documentation Basic Knowledge page add a friend link to the English version
  • Fixed YukiBaseHooker comments in English code note link errors
  • Fixed ClassCastException in ModuleClassLoader
  • Fixed and standardize some code notes
  • Added ModuleClassLoader exclusion list function, you can use excludeHostClasses and excludeModuleClasses methods to customize the exclusion list
  • Added YukiLoggerData real-time log data class, you can get the log array in real time through YukiHookLogger.inMemoryData
  • Added ClassLoader.listOfClasses method, which can directly get all Class in the current Dex

1.1.1 | 2022.09.28  outdate

  • Fixed the problem of wrong document friend links in Basic Knowledge page
  • Fixed document favicon not showing up
  • Fixed bug in DexClassFinder search conditions

1.1.0 | 2022.09.28  outdate

  • This is a major version update, please refer to API Document and Special Features for the changes and usage mentioned in the changelog
  • Change the help documentation framework to VuePressopen in new window
  • Unify and standardize the terms and nouns in the document, for example, "query" is always changed to "find", XposedHelper is misspelled and changed to XposedHelpers
  • Documentation Basic Knowledge page to add friend links, Simplified Chinese only
  • Convert Class and Method of Hook App Demo to Java to provide better demo effect
  • Fixed code comment naming in Hook Module Demo
  • Refactored a lot of low-level Hook logic and the docking method of Xposed API
  • Removed HookParamWrapper, it now interfaces directly with YukiBridgeFactory
  • Moved methods in section YukiHookBridge to AppParasitics
  • Removed HookParam.args and the underlying direct connection method setArgs, directly get and set the object of the current array
  • Optimized automatic handler to merge referenced jar into stub project
  • Fixed the problem that the module package name cannot be correctly matched when multi-project packaging, and modify the module package name matching logic of the automatic handler, thanks to 5ec1cffopen in new window for the feedback and solutions provided
  • Internal closure processing for the methods of API private tool classes to avoid polluting the top-level namespace
  • Fixed Creater naming to Creator for all reflection and Hook classes
  • Added YukiHookAPI.Status.compiledTimestamp function, which can get the compilation completion timestamp when used as an Xposed module
  • Added YukiHookAPI.Status.isXposedEnvironment function, which can determine whether the current (Xposed) host environment or module environment is
  • The debug logging function has been overhauled, and functions such as YukiHookAPI.Configs.debugTag have been merged into YukiHookLogger.Configs
  • The debug log can be added to specify the printing method as XposedBridge.log or Logd
  • The package name of the current host and the current user ID are added to the debug log by default for debugging, you can change it yourself in the debugLog configuration
  • Added generic function to reflect and call generics, you can use it in Class or CurrentClass
  • obsolete the buildOfAny method, now use the buildOf method directly (without generics) to use the constructor to create a new object and get the result Any
  • Fixed the issue of null pointer exception when using hasExtends
  • CurrentClass added non-lambda method of calling
  • CurrentClass adds name and simpleName functions
  • Completely rewrite the core method of ReflectionTool, sorting and classifying different search conditions
  • Fixed the problem that Member obtained by directly calling declared in ReflectionTool throws an exception
  • Fixed UndefinedType in ReflectionTool is not correctly judged in Method and Constructor conditions
  • Added a friendly prompt method when the reflection search result is abnormal, which can specifically locate the problem that Member cannot be found under specified conditions
  • Added VagueType condition in Method and Constructor for reflection search, which can be used in param condition to ignore parameters you don't want to fill in
  • Added paramCount { ... } condition in Method and Constructor of reflection search, now you can directly get it in it to customize your judgment condition
  • The current method is added to the FieldFinder result, which can directly create a call space for the result instance
  • Modified the modifiers condition and name condition in the reflection lookup function, now you need to return a Boolean at the end of the method body to make the condition true
  • as* function in ModifierRules renamed to is*, thanks to Kitsuneopen in new window suggestion
  • Added RemedyPlan feature in FieldFinder
  • Added Class fuzzy search function (Beta) in Dex, you can now directly use searchClass function to fuzzy search Class with specified conditions
  • Added multiple search function in reflection search, you can use relative search conditions to obtain multiple search results at the same time, thanks to AA and Kitsuneopen in new window for suggestions
  • Fixed the problem that the object obtained by appClassLoader is incorrect in system applications in some systems, thanks to Luckyzyxopen in new window for the feedback
  • Modified the calling method of XposedBridge.invokeOriginalMethod and added original function in MethodFinder.Result.Instance
  • Fixed the problem of wrong value of getStringSet method in YukiHookModulePrefs and optimize the code style, thanks to Teddy_Zhuopen in new window PRopen in new window
  • Modify YukiHookModulePrefs to intercept exceptions that may not exist in XSharePreference
  • Fixed the problem that YukiHookDataChannel could not be successfully registered in some third-party ROM system frameworks
  • Secured YukiHookDataChannel, now it can only communicate between modules from the specified package name and the host
  • Added automatic hook SharedPreferences to fix the problem that file permissions are not 0664 in some systems, thanks to 5ec1cffopen in new window for the feedback and implementation code provided
  • Added YukiHookAPI.Configs.isEnableHookSharedPreferences function, which is disabled by default and can be enabled if the permission of SharedPreferences is incorrect
  • Fixed the bug that the no-parameter construction method cannot be found when searching for Constructor without filling in the search conditions, thanks B5 KAKA for the feedback
  • Detach Result instances located in method, constructor in injectMember to Process
  • Added the useDangerousOperation method in the Hook process, which will automatically stop the Hook and print an error after the function in the Hook Dangerous List is not declared
  • Added module resource injection and Activity proxy functions, you can call injectModuleAppResources and registerModuleAppActivities to use
  • Added ModuleContextThemeWrapper function, you can call applyModuleTheme to create the Context of a module in any Activity
  • Added ClassLoader.onLoadClass function, which can be used to listen for events when the loadClass method of ClassLoader is called
  • obsolete classOf and clazz extension methods, add toClass and toClassOrNull usage, please move to the new method now
  • VariousClass adds a getOrNull method, which can return null instead of throwing an exception when it can't match Class
  • Removed isUseAppClassLoader parameter in PackageParam.hook, changed it to isForceUseAbsolute and automatically matched the target Class
  • PackageParam adds systemContext function, you can call this function at any time to get a persistent Context
  • no longer expose any methods in HookClass
  • Added throwToApp function in HookParam, which can throw exceptions directly to the host
  • The onFailureThrowToApp function is added to the Hook callback, which can be directly thrown to the host when an exception occurs
  • Modified the printing logic of the debug log, the time-consuming records in the reflection search function will only be printed during the Hook process
  • Added the function of removing Hook in the Hook process, you can use the remove and removeSelf methods to remove the hook
  • Fixed the issue that caused the host to throw an exception when ReplaceHook failed, and now it is modified to call the original method to ensure the normal operation of the host function
  • Added the function of checking the return value of the method in the Hook process. If the return value does not match, it will automatically throw an exception or print an error according to the situation
  • Added array type to Resources Hook, thanks to PRopen in new window of GSWXXNopen in new window
  • Moved me.weishu.reflection to thirdparty to prevent conflicting dependencies of the same name introduced at the same time
  • Remove the exception thrown when the Hook method body is empty, and modify it to print the warning log
  • Modify the exception handling logic of AppLifecycle and throw it directly to the host when an exception occurs
  • Updated Demo API version to 33

1.0.92 | 2022.05.31  outdate

  • Fixed the naming method of callback in a large number of methods
  • Changed the solution to fix the problem that YukiHookDataChannel cannot call back the current Activity broadcast on devices lower than Android 12
  • The InjectYukiHookWithXposed annotation adds the isUsingResourcesHook function, now you can selectively disable the dependency interface that automatically generates IXposedHookInitPackageResources

1.0.91 | 2022.05.29  outdate

  • Fixed the ClassLoader error when the customized system of some devices is booted in the LSPosed environment, thanks to Luckyzyxopen in new window for the feedback
  • Fixed YukiHookDataChannel not being able to call back the current Activity broadcast on ZUI and systems below Android 12
  • Integrate the YukiHookModuleStatus function into YukiHookAPI.Status, rewrite a lot of methods, now you can judge the status information such as module activation in the module and the host in both directions

1.0.90 | 2022.05.27  outdate

  • Fixed YukiHookDataChannel crashing when the module sets the listener callback
  • Fixed YukiHookDataChannel still calling back when not in current Activity
  • Remove the default value of YukiHookDataChannel callback event, no callback
  • Removed YukiHookModulePrefs warning printed if XShare is unreadable
  • Added the isXSharePrefsReadable method in YukiHookModulePrefs to determine whether the current XShare is available

1.0.89 | 2022.05.26  outdate

  • Fixed the problem that YukiHookDataChannel cannot be repeatedly set to monitor, and added the function of repeating response in different Activity modules and automatically following Activity to destroy the monitor function
  • Added YukiHookDataChannel repeated listening use case description document
  • Add the onAlreadyHooked method to determine whether the current method is repeated Hook
  • Modify part of the logic of repeatedly adding HashMap, remove the putIfAbsent method, allow to override the addition
  • Fixed several possible bugs

1.0.88 | 2022.05.25  outdate

  • Fully decoupled from Xposed API
  • Added android type in type
  • Separate YukiHookModuleStatus from auto-generated code and add isEnableHookModuleStatus switch, it is up to you to enable or not
  • Internal closure processing for the constructors of a large number of classes in the API
  • Set YukiHookModulePrefs to run as a singleton to prevent repeated creation and waste of system resources
  • Fixed the bug that Hook cannot be nested since version 1.0.80, and optimize the related functions of nested Hook
  • Modify the Hooker storage scheme from HashSet to HashMap to prevent the problem of repeatedly adding Hookers
  • Modify the core implementation method of Hook, add duplicate checking to avoid repeating the Hook multiple callbacks to the HookParam method
  • MethodFinder and FieldFinder add the function of finding fuzzy methods and variable names, you can call name { ... } to set search conditions, and support regular expressions
  • Optimize and modify the way to get appContext to reduce the possibility of getting empty
  • Modify the print TAG of logger in the automatically generated code to default to your custom name, which is convenient for debugging
  • Optimize the Hooker implementation of YukiHookBridge to improve Hook performance
  • PackageParam adds the onAppLifecycle method, which can natively monitor the life cycle of the host and implement the registration system broadcast function
  • Added YukiHookDataChannel function to communicate using system out-of-order broadcast while the module and the host remain alive
  • YukiHookDataChannel adds the checkingVersionEquals method, which can be monitored to verify that the host has not updated the version mismatch problem after the module is updated
  • Added Java version example in the example code of demo-module for reference only

1.0.87 | 2022.05.10  outdate

  • Added refreshModuleAppResources function to adapt Resources refresh when the language region, font size, resolution changes, etc.
  • Added isEnableModuleAppResourcesCache function, you can set whether to automatically cache the resources of the current module

1.0.86 | 2022.05.06  outdate

  • Fixed the problem of continuous error reporting during initZygote when Resources Hook is not supported, reproduced in ZUI/LSPosed CI(1.8.3-6550)
  • Optimize and handle exceptions for Resources Hook, only print errors and warnings if they are used and not supported

1.0.85 | 2022.05.04  outdate

  • Fixed a serious problem of not being able to hook the system framework, since 1.0.80
  • Added in the debug log to distinguish the package name loaded by initZygote as android-zygote, packageName keeps android unchanged

1.0.83 | 2022.05.04  outdate

  • Fixed YukiHookModuleStatus reporting a lot of errors after loadSystem
  • Added android type in type
  • Updated example descriptions in help documentation

1.0.82 | 2022.05.04  outdate

  • Fixed a concept confusion error, distinguishing the relationship between initZygote and the system framework, there are problems with the previous comments and documentation, I am very sorry
  • PackageParam adds loadSystem method, no need to write loadApp(name = "android") to hook the system framework

1.0.81 | 2022.05.04  outdate

  • Fixed the problem that the method and constructor that cannot be found in the Hook method body still output the error log after setting the condition using the by method
  • Added a global log to display the package name of the current Hook APP during the execution of the Hook, and fixed a problem with the printing style of the error log

1.0.80 | 2022.05.01  outdate

  • The InjectYukiHookWithXposed annotation adds the entryClassName function, which can customize the generated xposed_init entry class name
  • YukiHookXposedInitProxy renamed to IYukiHookXposedInit, the original interface name has been invalidated and will be deleted directly in subsequent versions
  • Added initZygote and Resources Hook functions to support Hook Layout
  • Added onXposedEvent method to listen to all events of native Xposed API
  • Perform inline processing on the lambda of the Hook function to avoid generating excessively broken anonymous classes and improve the running performance after compilation
  • Fixed PrefsData compiled method body copy is too large
  • Added XSharePreference readability test, which will automatically print a warning log if it fails
  • PackageParam adds appResources, moduleAppResources, moduleAppFilePath functions
  • loadApp of PackageParam adds the function of not writing name, and all APPs are filtered by default
  • PackageParam adds the loadZygote method, which can directly hook the system framework
  • PackageParam added resources().hook function
  • Optimization method, construction method, variable search function, the error log that cannot be found will display the set query conditions first
  • Added hasExtends extension method to determine whether the current Class has an inheritance relationship
  • Added isSupportResourcesHook function to determine whether resource hooks are currently supported (Resources Hook)
  • current function adds superClass method to call superclass
  • New superClass query conditions for search methods, construction methods and variables, you can continue to search in the parent class
  • YukiHookAPI lots of methods are decoupled from Xposed API
  • Added native Hook priority function of Xposed API
  • Fixed the problem that isFirstApplication may be inaccurate
  • Block the problem that MiuiCatcherPatch repeatedly calls the Hook entry method on the MIUI system
  • Optimize Hook entry calling method to avoid multiple calls due to Hook Framework issues
  • Fixed the problem that Hook ClassLoader causes Hook to freeze, thanks to WankkoReeopen in new window for the feedback
  • Improve the performance after the XC_Callback interface is connected
  • Java type added ClassLoader type
  • Optimize the API help documentation, fix the problem that the page may be continuously cached

1.0.78 | 2022.04.18  outdate

  • YukiHookModulePrefs adds isRunInNewXShareMode method, which can be used to determine whether the module is currently in New XSharePreference mode
  • Fixed YukiHookModulePrefs working in New XSharePreference mode
  • Added ModulePreferenceFragment, now you can completely replace PreferenceFragmentCompat and start using the new functionality
  • Adapt the Sp data storage solution of PreferenceFragmentCompat, thanks to mahoshojoHCGopen in new window for feedback
  • Update autohandlers and Kotlin dependencies to the latest version
  • Fixed some bugs in documentation and code comments

1.0.77 | 2022.04.15  outdate

  • YukiHookModulePrefs added clear method, thanks to WankkoReeopen in new window for the suggestion
  • YukiHookModulePrefs added getStringSet, putStringSet, all methods
  • Added any method to args of HookParam
  • Added ModuleApplication, which can be inherited in modules to achieve more functions
  • Connect all findClass functions to the Xposed API, and continue to use native ClassLoader in non-hosted environments
  • Fixed some possible bugs

1.0.75 | 2022.04.13  outdate

  • Corrected the logic recognition part of the automatic handler, thanks to ApeaSuperzopen in new window contribution
  • Fixed an issue where the reference to a doc comment was not changed
  • firstArgs and lastArgs methods have been removed from HookParam, now you can use args().first() and args().last() instead of it
  • Removed default parameter index = 0 in args() in HookParam, now you can use args().first() or args(index = 0) to replace it
  • The result function in HookParam adds generic matching, now you can use result<T> to match the known return value type of your target method
  • The emptyParam condition is added to the method and constructor query function, and the misunderstanding of the query condition that needs to be paid attention to in the document has been improved
  • Added android type in type

1.0.73 | 2022.04.10  outdate

  • Fixed some Chinese translation errors in documents, thanks to WankkoReeopen in new window for their contributions
  • Fixed the problem that XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam throws an exception when the content is empty in some cases, thanks to Luckyzyxopen in new window for the feedback
  • Fixed some known bugs and improve Hook stability

1.0.72 | 2022.04.09  outdate

  • Update API documentation to new address
  • Add appContext function to PackageParam
  • Fixed some known bugs and improve Hook stability

1.0.71 | 2022.04.04  outdate

  • Fixed a serious issue that would stop the Hook from throwing an exception when VariousClass could not be matched

1.0.70 | 2022.04.04  outdate

  • Fixed instanceClass reporting an error after being called in a static instance
  • Add isUseAppClassLoader function in Hook process, thanks to WankkoReeopen in new window for feedback
  • Added the withProcess function, which can be hooked according to the currently specified process of the APP
  • Fixed critical logic errors in lookup methods, constructor classes and variables
  • Fixed the problem that the abnormal output cannot be ignored when the Hook target class does not exist
  • Fixed the problem that the Hook could not take effect due to the fast loading of the APP startup method in some cases
  • Fixed allMethods not throwing an exception when it is not hooked to a method, thanks to WankkoReeopen in new window for the feedback
  • Added Hook status monitoring function, thanks to WankkoReeopen in new window for the suggestion
  • Modify the way the Xposed entry is injected into the class, and redefine the definition domain of the API
  • Added obfuscated method and variable lookup function, you can use different types of filter index to locate the specified method and variable, thanks to WankkoReeopen in new window for the ideas provided
  • When looking for methods and variables, multiple types are allowed, such as the class name declared by String and VariousClass
  • Add a new current function, which can build a reflection method operation space for any class, and easily call and modify the methods and variables in it
  • Fixed a lot of bugs in the hook process, thanks to WankkoReeopen in new window for contributing to this project

1.0.69 | 2022.03.30  outdate

  • Added and improved annotations for some method functions
  • Added more example Hook content in Demo
  • Fixed the issue that only the last one takes effect when allMethods is used multiple times in a Hook instance, thanks to WankkoReeopen in new window for the feedback

1.0.68 | 2022.03.29  outdate

  • Added new use case and LSPosed scope in Demo
  • Added Member lookup cache and lookup cache configuration switches
  • Removed and modified MethodFinder, FieldFinder and HookParam related method calls
  • Add more cast types in Finder and support cast as array
  • Overall performance and stability improvements
  • Fixed bugs that may exist in the previous version

1.0.67 | 2022.03.27  outdate

  • Added three modifiers functions in Finder, which can filter static, native, public, abstract and many other description types
  • When searching for methods and constructors, the method parameter type can be blurred to a specified number for searching
  • Added hasModifiers extension for Member
  • Added give method in MethodFinder and ConstructorFinder to get primitive types
  • Added PrefsData template function in YukiHookModulePrefs
  • Completely refactored method, constructor and variable lookup scheme
  • Optimized code comments and fixed possible bugs

1.0.66 | 2022.03.25  outdate

  • Fixed a serious bug in MethodFinder
  • Added args call method in hookParam
  • Fixed other possible problems and fix some class annotation problems

1.0.65 | 2022.03.25  outdate

  • Republished version to fix the incorrect new version of the Maven repository due to cache issues
  • Added MethodFinder and FieldFinder new return value calling methods
  • Fixed possible problems and fix possible problems during the use of Tai Chi
  • Fixed possible problems with auto-generated Xposed entry classes
  • Added android type and Java type in type

1.0.6 | 2022.03.20  outdate

  • Fixed YukiHookModulePrefs being ignored every time after using direct once to ignore cache
  • Added new API, abolished the traditional usage of isActive to judge module activation
  • Fixed the issue of printing debug logs when using the API in a non-Xposed environment
  • Fixed log output issue and unintercepted exception issue when looking for Field
  • Decoupling Xposed API in ReflectionUtils
  • Added YukiHookModuleStatus method name confusion to reduce the size of module generation
  • The welcome message will no longer be printed when loading the module's own Hook
  • Fixed some bugs that still exist in the previous version

1.0.55 | 2022.03.18  outdate

  • Fixed an annotation error
  • Temporarily fix a bug
  • Added a large number of android types in type and a small number of Java types
  • Fixed compatibility issues between new and old Kotlin APIs

1.0.5 | 2022.03.18  outdate

  • Fixed the problem that the welcome message was printed multiple times in the case of the old version of the LSPosed framework
  • Added onInit method to configure YukiHookAPI
  • Added executorName and executorVersion to get the name and version number of the current hook framework
  • Added by method to set the timing and condition of Hook
  • YukiHookModulePrefs adds a controllable key-value cache, which can dynamically update data when the host is running
  • Fixed some possible bugs

1.0.4 | 2022.03.06  outdate

  • Fixed LSPosed cannot find XposedBridge after enabling "Only module classloader can use Xposed API" option in latest version
  • Added constant version name and version number for YukiHookAPI
  • Added hasField method and isAllowPrintingLogs configuration parameter
  • Added isDebug to enable the API to automatically print the welcome message to test whether the module is valid

1.0.3 | 2022.03.02  outdate

  • Fixed a potential exception not intercepted BUG
  • Added ignoredError function
  • Added android type in type
  • Added ClassNotFound function after listening to hook

1.0.2 | 2022.02.18  outdate

  • Fixed the problem that the project path cannot be found under Windows
  • Remove part of reflection API, merge into BaseFinder for integration
  • Add a method to create Hook directly using string

1.0.1 | 2022.02.15  outdate

  • RemedyPlan adds onFind function
  • Integrate and modify some reflection API code
  • Added Java type in type
  • Fixed the issue that ignored errors still output in the console

1.0 | 2022.02.14  outdate

  • The first version is submitted to Maven