Use as Xposed Module Configs

Here are the related configuration methods used by YukiHookAPI as an Xposed Module.

Dependency Configs

As an Xposed Module, YukiHookAPI provides an automatic builder.

You need to integrate the latest version of the io.github.dreammooncai.yukihookapi:ksp-xposed dependency in your build script.

Custom Automatic Builder

You can configure how YukiHookAPI will generate the xposed_init entry point.

InjectYukiHookWithXposed Annotation

annotation class InjectYukiHookWithXposed(
    val sourcePath: String,
    val modulePackageName: String,
    val entryClassName: String,
    val isUsingXposedModuleStatus: Boolean,
    val isUsingResourcesHook: Boolean

The @InjectYukiHookWithXposed annotation is an important annotation to mark the entry point of a Module App's Hook.

Pay Attention

The Class of the @InjectYukiHookWithXposed annotation must implements IYukiHookXposedInit interface.

All Class tags in your current project can only exist once, if there are multiple declaration automatic builder will throw an exception at compile time, you can customize its related parameters.

sourcePath Parameter

The sourcePath parameter determines the important identifier for the automatic builder to automatically find and match your current project path.

The content of this parameter is a relative path match, and the default parameter is src/main.

Pay Attention

If your project is not in ../src/main.. or you set the project path manually using sourceSets, you need to set the sourcePath parameter manually, otherwise the automatic builder will not recognize your project path and will throw an exception at compile time.

The following example

@InjectYukiHookWithXposed(sourcePath = "src/custom")

The file path separator used by sourcePath will be automatically recognized according to Windows and Unix, either / or \ can be used.

modulePackageName Parameter

modulePackageName is the applicationId of your current project, which is your module package name (the final generated application package name).

If left blank or not filled, the automatic builder will analyze and generate the current project file.


If you want to use the module package name to be automatically generated, you need to ensure that your project namespace has any of the following definitions in AndroidManifest.xml, build.gradle or build.gradle.kts.

Pay Attention

In Android Gradle Plugin 8+ versions, you need to manually enable buildConfig in the project's build.gradle or build.gradle.kts.

Groovy DSL

android {
    buildFeatures {
        buildConfig true

Kotlin DSL

android {
    buildFeatures {
        buildConfig = true

Example namespace com.example.demo, any one of the following definitions.

The following definitions are for reference only, usually as long as your project can generate the file normally, no additional operations are required.

AndroidManifest.xml example

<manifest xmlns:android=""

build.gradle example

android {
    namespace 'com.example.demo'

build.gradle.kts example

android {
    namespace = "com.example.demo"

If your module package name is automatically generated by unconventional means, or you think it is necessary to manually define the module package name, then you can directly set the modulePackageName parameter.

The following example

@InjectYukiHookWithXposed(modulePackageName = "com.example.demo")

Pay Attention

Please do not fill in BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID in modulePackageName, this will get an empty string during compilation, depending on the behavior of the Android Gradle Plugin.

As long as you customize the modulePackageName parameter, you will get a warning at compile time.

The following example

You set the customize module package name to "com.example.demo", please check for yourself if it is correct


In addition to the format of the manually defined module package name, the automatic builder will no longer check whether the module package name is correct, and you need to confirm its validity by yourself.

entryClassName Parameter

entryClassName determines how the automatic builder generates the entry class name in xposed_init.

By default, it will use your entry class package name to insert the _YukiHookXposedInit suffix for generation.

Suppose this is your entry class.

The following example

object HookEntry : IYukiHookXposedInit

The Xposed entry class is handled as follows.

The following example

class HookEntry_YukiHookXposedInit : IXposedHookZygoteInit, IXposedHookLoadPackage, ...

The compiled class name structure is as follows.

The following example

...hook.HookEntry ← Your entry class
...hook.HookEntry_Impl ← Auto-generated Impl class
...hook.HookEntry_YukiHookXposedInit ← Automatically generated Xposed entry class

We now define the entry class name as HookXposedEntry.

The following example

@InjectYukiHookWithXposed(entryClassName = "HookXposedEntry")
object HookEntry : IYukiHookXposedInit

The Xposed entry class is handled as follows.

The following example

class HookXposedEntry : IXposedHookZygoteInit, IXposedHookLoadPackage, ...

The compiled class name structure is as follows.

The following example

...hook.HookEntry ← Your entry class
...hook.HookEntry_Impl ← Auto-generated Impl class
...hook.HookXposedEntry ← Automatically generated Xposed entry class


The entry class can be defined using class or object, but it is recommended to use object definition to ensure that each injected process is a single instance.

Pay Attention

The entryClassName you define must not be the same as the class name in xposed_init, otherwise the automatic builder throws an exception at compile time.

isUsingXposedModuleStatus Parameter

isUsingXposedModuleStatus determines whether the automatic builder generates relevant code for status functions such as Xposed Module activation, this feature is enabled by default.

After generation, you will be able to use the related functions of YukiHookAPI.Status in the Module App's process.

If you do not want to generate related code, you can manually turn off this feature, which will only take effect for the Module App's process.

isUsingResourcesHook Parameter

isUsingResourcesHook determines whether the automatic builder generates relevant code for the Resources Hook, this feature is not enabled by default.

By default the generated entry class will look like this.

The following example

class _YukiHookXposedInit : IXposedHookZygoteInit, IXposedHookLoadPackage {

    override fun initZygote(sparam: IXposedHookZygoteInit.StartupParam?) {
        // ...

    override fun handleLoadPackage(lpparam: XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam?) {
        // ...

If your current project need to use Resources Hook, you can set isUsingResourcesHook = true to enable automatic generation.


This feature will no longer be enabled by default after version 1.2.0, please enable it manually if you want to use it.

The following example

@InjectYukiHookWithXposed(isUsingResourcesHook = true)

The resulting entry class after enabled will look like the following.

The following example

class _YukiHookXposedInit : IXposedHookZygoteInit, IXposedHookLoadPackage, IXposedHookInitPackageResources {

    override fun initZygote(sparam: IXposedHookZygoteInit.StartupParam?) {
        // ...

    override fun handleLoadPackage(lpparam: XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam?) {
        // ...

    override fun handleInitPackageResources(resparam: XC_InitPackageResources.InitPackageResourcesParam?) {
        // ...


Since the Xposed entry class is dynamically generated by YukiHookAPI, it will generate the following two files at the same time.

  • assets/xposed_init

  • resources/META-INF/yukihookapi_init

If you are using Git code control system, you can add these two files to .gitignore file.

IYukiHookXposedInit Interface

The IYukiHookXposedInit interface that your Hook entry class must implements it, which is the entry point for your Module App to start hooking.


For more functions, please refer to IYukiHookXposedInit.

When your Module App is loaded by Xposed, the onHook method will be called back, you need to start using YukiHookAPI in this method.

The basic calling process is _YukiHookXposedInitIYukiHookXposedInit.onXposedEventIYukiHookXposedInit.onInitIYukiHookXposedInit.onHook

For details, please refer to API Basic Configs.

Native Xposed API Events

If your current Xposed Module uses third-party resources, but may not be able to transfer them in a short time, you can use onXposedEvent to monitor all loading events of the native Xposed API.

The following example

object HookEntry : IYukiHookXposedInit {

    override fun onHook() {
        // Your code here.

    override fun onXposedEvent() {
        // Listen to the loading events of the native Xposed API {
            onInitZygote {
                // The it object is [StartupParam]
            onHandleLoadPackage {
                // The it object is [LoadPackageParam]
            onHandleInitPackageResources {
                // The it object is [InitPackageResourcesParam]

onXposedEvent and onHook methods exist completely independently and do not affect each other. You can continue to use YukiHookAPI in the onHook method.


For more functions, please refer to the IYukiHookXposedInit.onXposedEvent method.